Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our Mission Statement

Welcome to our blog

What are we doing here? Well, we are a pair of USF students (real names withheld to protect the innocent) who, on occasion, may observe some abnormal situations. This in no way is an attempt to provide you with the latest and greatest going-ons at USF, but rather the knitty gritty, down and dirty details (You know…the ones that they leave out on the guided tours) that we believe every student here should know (If any of you other USFers have something you want to share please go right ahead).  So if we feel especially strong about a particular subject, such as stalker squirrels, then all you will get a ranting and raving about it. Oh yeah none of this is set in stone all of this may change depending on how we feel (We’re kind of like Charlie Brown in that way).