Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When Nonslip Measures Backfire

For those of you who have anxiously awaiting this (If you really exist I would like to know), I am sorry that this post has taken me so long to get to. Allow me to defend myself as most of reasons for not writing this earlier are legitimate. First, well really the only important one is that I have professors this semester who feel like I don’t do enough of my homework on my own and feel it necessary to make us submit it for grading (I feel like my professors from last semester gave my current set of professors the “scoop”). Secondly, and this may seem like a trivial excuse (to the uninitiated), I have been catching up on second season of Community.
Okay enough excuses now down to the knitty gritty, this post was either going to be about crazy stalker squirrels or people falling on their butts. As I currently am lacking in the squirrel picture department (Spoiler alert: If any of you see a squirrel with a half moon shaped cut out on one of its ears please send me a picture it would be greatly appreciated) I decided to wait on that particular subject.
Allow me to paint you a mental portrait, imagine a young starry eyed transfer student the first day of classes at the Ginormous University (hah I love how auto correct thought this was an actual university name), with nary a clue on the intricacies of the campus.  And in midst of his awe he was stuck in the rain making a mad dash for the closest building.  To his chagrin what he thought was a non-slip surface really was a Venus flytrap for unwanting students which ends with him falling smack on his butt to the amusement of all the other students seeking shelter from the rain. Well most of this story is true. On my first day of class at USF as I waited out some rain under Cooper Hall and as people came running up the ramp to escape the rain, many slipped and fell. The surface was a non-slip kind but not “non-slippery” enough for this amount of rain combined with the angle of the ramp. The reason I remember this incident is as I walked by Cooper recently, I noticed that they have attempted to alleviate this problem with even more non-slip measures. If you can see in the photo the little black sandpaper strips these are the non-slip measures that I was talking about. Maybe this truly is to benefit the students, but it also deprives of us of literally minutes of free pratfall hilarity (Yes I have heard of YouTube).

Gregg Chaucer

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How-To Edition: Printing from a Laptop

Discovered that they finally allow us to print from our laptops this week and ready to share the great news.

First you're going to need to start by do is first click on the link here and download that package you need for a specific printing location to which ever packages you will need for the specific location and specify which type of systems you use on you computer. Since I usually use the Marshall Center then I decided to go with the Universal Driver, which is good from first floor library and the computer lab at Marshall Student Center.

click on the link here for the Pharos drivers.  

Once you've chosen a location to print. Pick 32bit or 64bit depending on what your computer uses.

Open the click to open the file.

Select Run

Click the Install Button

It should take a minute to install when it's complete select Finish

Now you're ready to print.

When you print you need to select RICOH or which ever printer driver you have downloaded in the printers selection box. You will be prompted to type in your username just like in the computer lab

The official directions are here if you have any issues


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Missing Staircase

On the morning of my arrival to a new semester at University of South Florida I navigated my way through the masses and arrived timely to my classes only to find that the renovations to the Engineering II Building’s lobby area had been complete. Being my usual spot to study, a space that isn’t as cold or overpopulated as the Marshall Center or the Library, I made my way through the building only to be greeted by bar style stools and an unfinished counter top that extended the length of what came to be called the “fish bowl.”  In terror I came to find rectangular tables in dwindling number than previously occupied by circular tables.  If my memory serves me correctly about six chairs fit comfortably to those round tables. Sure you can fit the same amount of chairs on a rectangular table but it just doesn’t feel right after you’ve had the dreams of King Arthur and his round table. As well as absence of one hundred and twenty dangling flags that as students we had our crack at naming which country it represented and a combination of losing the vending machine and precious microwave created a great void that no amount of new furniture can fill. The renovation wasn’t complete until they had one more piece of memorabilia to repossess, the curved staircase. The staircase had been removed, a staircase that pulled at the strings of our childish nostalgia as the proverbial underwater castle in our fishbowl.  The excuse that it gives us more room is not valid as they have yet to fill the space vacated by the staircase.  Until they manage to fill the empty space, once occupied by an accessible staircase, this portion of the population will continue to criticize some of the executives’ decisions.

Jeff Muñoz 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our Mission Statement

Welcome to our blog

What are we doing here? Well, we are a pair of USF students (real names withheld to protect the innocent) who, on occasion, may observe some abnormal situations. This in no way is an attempt to provide you with the latest and greatest going-ons at USF, but rather the knitty gritty, down and dirty details (You know…the ones that they leave out on the guided tours) that we believe every student here should know (If any of you other USFers have something you want to share please go right ahead).  So if we feel especially strong about a particular subject, such as stalker squirrels, then all you will get a ranting and raving about it. Oh yeah none of this is set in stone all of this may change depending on how we feel (We’re kind of like Charlie Brown in that way).